Don’t miss out! Join us at the upcoming Nagios World Conference Latin America being held April 13-15, 2011 in Sao Paulo, Brazil by our partner OpServices. The conference offers participants an opportunity to learn more about Nagios, meet key members of the Nagios team and community – including Ethan Galstad – and learn about the latest developments around Nagios. Time is running out to attend, so register online today!
The conference will cover trends and best practices, along with technical and strategic information related to IT infrastructure monitoring. Participants will have the opportunity to hear about current developments with Nagios, and future plans for it directly from Ethan Galstad – creator of the platform. The conference will be delivered in Portuguese and English to ensure that all national and international participants can take full advantage of the event. The event is designed for system administrators, developers, and IT managers to network with other IT professionals using Nagios, and to facilitate the exchange of information best pokies australia and ideas.
The 2011 conference will present lectures and networking opportunities to meet and exchange ideas with other Nagios users in Latin America and directly with software developers. If you already work with Open Source monitoring tools or are considering their use, we invite you to attend the event and learn Nagios strategies from technical experts that can improve the way you utilize monitoring in your company or business.
For more information, or to register, visit
Important: International visitors (including those from the U.S.) may need to obtain a visa to enter Brazil.