Nagios At Ohio LinuxFest – September 10-12

2010-08-22-ohio-linuxfestNagios will be at the Ohio LinuxFest conference in Columbus, Ohio September 10-12!  Nagios Enterprises is sponsoring the “pre-party” on Friday night.  We’ll be giving away free Nagios swag, so stop by and say hi!  The quick details: Ethan Galstad will be talking about Nagios at the Open Source Solutions stage on Saturday and community member John Sellens will be giving a talk/tutorial on monitoring with Nagios on Friday.  Get the full details.

Here’s what’s happening around Nagios at OLF:

John Sellens’ Class/Tutorial on Monitoring With Nagios – Friday

When we decided on making the trip to OLF, we were excited to see that a talk on Nagios was already on the schedule.  John Sellens, an experienced Nagios user and network admin, will be giving a class tutorial on monitoring with Nagios.  His class will cover an introduction to using Nagios, along with advanced topics such as NRPE, NSCA, NDOUtils, graphing addons, and integration with other tools.

See the full description of his talk and tutorial at:

See all OLFU Training Sessions

Nagios Sponsoring The OLF Pre-Party – Friday Night

Nagios Enterprises is sponsoring the OLF “pre-party” on Friday night and we’ll have some free swag to hand out!  Stop by and say hello!

Ethan Galstad’s Talk On Nagios Solutions – Saturday

Ethan Galstad, founder and “Father of Nagios” will be talking about Nagios – what it is and how it can benefit you and your organization.  The talk will cover Nagios Core, the Nagios Community, ways to extend the capabilities of your Nagios installation, and commercial Nagios solutions that make management and monitoring easier.

View Saturday Schedule

For more information on the conference, or to register, visit

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