Ask Ethan – A New Interview Series With Nagios Founder

ethan-is-moving-fast-cropEthan Galstad – Founder and “Father” of Nagios, and President of Nagios Enterprises – will share his responses to customer and community questions about all things Nagios in our monthly newsletter.  Have a question you’d like to pose to the founder?  Ask Ethan.

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Nagios Update: XI 5.6.6

Nagios XI update 5.6.6 is now released! This update resolves a number of minor bugs and one security vulnerability fix. This version also includes improvements

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Nagios Update: XI 5.6.5

Nagios XI update 5.6.5 was released to improve passive checks coming in through the Nagios Remote Data Processor (NRDP).  For versions prior to Nagios XI

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