Launch of Nagios Planet – Aggregated Nagios News

2009-06-26-nagiosplanetWe’re pleased to announce the launch of another resource for the Nagios Community.  Nagios Planet, an aggregation of news from various Nagios websites, provides a central RSS feed of latest news Nagios Network sites like Nagios Community, Nagios Project, Nagios Ideas, and Nagios Exchange.  For more information, or to subscribe to the RSS feed, visit

Recent Posts

Nagios Update: XI 5.6.6

Nagios XI update 5.6.6 is now released! This update resolves a number of minor bugs and one security vulnerability fix. This version also includes improvements

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Nagios Update: XI 5.6.5

Nagios XI update 5.6.5 was released to improve passive checks coming in through the Nagios Remote Data Processor (NRDP).  For versions prior to Nagios XI

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